In many cases bad debt is caused either by technical problems (invoicing errors, change of accounts for payment by standing order, etc.) or circumstantial problems (delay in salary collection, occasional unforeseen expenses that make it impossible to make a payment the day of its expiration, etc.).
Acting quickly in such cases means a 99 % chance to successfully settle the problem and also a 99 % of possibilities that this incidence will turn into a bad debt.
The image of the company is also at stake; therefore it is very important to choose proper tools for debt clearing in order not to offend those who could be good clients.
The speed in handling the detected incidences, their quick transfer and solution are the essential requirements when it comes down to correction of errors that jeopardize the good image of the company and in order to avoid such irregular situations.
ADARVE has all the necessary technical and human resources for the correct handling of these kinds of debts from the very moment the debt takes place (between 7 and 30 days overdue; or longer delays provided that such debts have not been managed previously).
The fact that our data systems can load information of any format makes it possible for us to adapt ourselves to the specifications set by our clients.
Our Call Centre guarantees that the first attempt to contact the holders of the accounts of the consignment entrusted to us by the client will be made within no longer than 48 hours.
15 days after we receive the consignment, we issue an informative letter on the proceedings with no refunded claimed amounts where no incidence has been detected.
Our support team will track down the participants whose personal details initially provided are incomplete or erroneous.
The incidences detected through the management of accounts are encoded (invoicing errors, change in payment by standing order, double invoicing, payment, etc.) and can be accessed online or else transferred to the client in a chosen format.
We return the accounts to the client after the agreed deadline for their management -a minimum of 45 days is recommended – in an encoded file containing all the information concerning the consignment.
We issue a daily report on the entrusted accounts. It is accessible online and it requires a user’s keyword and a password. The report contains information about the volume of debts to collect and the monthly debt recovery, the percentage of successful recovery, the managed incidences, the contacts made and other data of interest.