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Tax Assistance
We provide professional services which cover:
- Declarations and settlements: study, preparation and presentation, annual as well as quarterly and monthly, including specific tax deeds before state, regional and local administration.
- State tax: V.A.T, PIT and assets, corporate tax, and property transfer tax.
- Local tax: trade income tax, property and council tax, tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land.
Labour administration
We provide professional services which cover:
- Preparation of salaries, social security and telematic consignments.
- Exercising and updating of agreements and labour regulations.
- Processing of administration for certificates, sick leave and circumstantial changes in the work place.
- Registration of companies for social security and subsequent modifications (administrative changes, new contribution account codes…)
- Certificates for mutual companies, independent businesses and for other special regulations.
- Quarterly tax returns for PIT mod. 110 and annual returns mod. 190 – Certificates of tax withdrawals and the transfer of details to the paying agency.
We provide professional services which cover:
- Analysis, study and interpretation of company profit and loss in real time, making opportune decisions to ensure maximum output in your business and to achieve maximum fiscal savings.
- A continually updated accounting system
- Using documentation (tax receipts, expenses and bank transactions) we can obtain:
- Daily logbook; general ledger; VAT accounts book (both input and output)
- Profit and loss balance form; Annual accounts; Reports
- Official records; any other accounting documentation required by mandatory regulation.
Financial Advice
We provide professional services which cover:
- External financial management. Organization of financial information, analysis and preparation of reports for economic and financial papers.
- Supervising company relations with financial institutions. Banking negotiations. Analysis of investment projects.
- Creating and applying budgetary systems. Design and improvement of cost systems. Reduction and cost control programmes.
- Analysis for the introduction of analytical accounting. Improvement on collection management.
- Strategy development for liquid assets and suitable structures to cover foreign exchange and interest rate risks. Management of payment and collection cycles. Policy and procedure in fund managment.
- Establishment of series of controls and the infrastructure of risk management.
- Advice about optimizing the company´s financial structure. Debt management.